maandag 16 januari 2012

Graded presentation reflection

On wednesday the 11th of January, I had to give my graded presentation for English 1. Together with Thijs Benedek, we presented a new web design and a new marketing strategy for a fictional company named Audio Wire. The audio wire case was not new to us. It had occurred earlier during class, so it was not a big challenge. We basically used the earlier knowledge, created a powerpoint of this knowledge and presented this. We added a couple of things, for instance the website design itself. Thijs and I both never created lines to say to prepare a presentation. We just say what comes out naturally. There was an obstacle to use this tactic, because we had to use specific words from the academic word list. I believe I got sort of stuck during the presentation, because I knew I needed to say a couple of words but I could not find the right timing to actually use them. It all worked out well eventually, but better preparation could have prevented this problem. Besides this little problem, I think we did fine. It could have been better, but for that we should have put more time in the project. There were not questions coming from the class, the fictional board of audio wire, so I think everything we explained was clear. So to wrap this feedback up; The presentation could have been way better, but looking at the effort we put in I believe we did fine.

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