dinsdag 13 december 2011

Press Release Hazel

In this post you will find my first press release I've ever written. It was on a case study in our English text book named Hazel cosmetics. The objective was to write a press release on a new product from Hazel. The product I created is named; Hazelmax. Enjoy reading my, first, press release. 

Max van Hilten
group 09
press release

                                                            Press information
Groningen, The Netherlands, November 27th, 2011

New revolutionary product from Hazel
Hazel changes the face of cosmetics

Hazel has announced the launch of their new product Hazelmax, which will revolutionize the cosmetic marketplace. Hazelmax uses the newest, cutting edge technologies that will change people’s view on skin creams. Hazel will launch Hazelmax around Sinterklaas with a unique  ‘Sinterklaas’ beauty gift set. 

“Hazelmax absolutely lives up to the promise of being revolutionary,” says Mike Smith, Hazel’s Marketing Manager. “We have been perfecting Hazelmax for several years to create a totally new skin care experience for our customers, a new natural body formula that revitalizes the skin for an amazing period of time.”

What makes Hazelmax different from any other skin cream is that it not really a cream nor a foundation. Hazelmax is a natural formula that can be apply anywhere on the body, giving the skin a long-lasting revitalizing effect. Hazelmax will make your skin younger, decrease your flaws and will smooth out your skin to make you more beautifull than ever. Hazelmax improves all layers of the skin and is very easy to apply anywhere on the body. A second feature is that Hazelmax adapts itself to the user’s natural skin colour, so that everyone can use Hazelmax. Hazel’s Sinterklaas gift set will include a special 150 ml Hazelmax flacon together with other Hazel natural beauty products.

Hazel’s ground-breaking product Hazelmax can be pre-ordered online which will come with a gift set at www.hazelcostemtics.com. Hazelmax will be also become available in all cosmetics retail stores as of November 30th.

(254 words)

About hazel
Founded in 1972, Hazel is one of the world’s largest direct sellers of cosmetics and beauty products. Recently Hazel has appointed Angela Lang as Hazel’s new CEO. Recently graduated from Harvard business school, Angela Lang sees Hazel as her first opportunity in her career.
Hazel cosmetics is a worldwide active company, bringing beauty to every culture. We continue to look for new opportunities to bring the world new products.
Complete FAQ at www.hazelcosmetics.com

As a pioneer in the world of cosmetics, Hazel is committed to innovate and revolutionize the world of beauty. Our mission is to innovate and create the newest and best technologies on the market. Hazel brings the costumer the beauty they have been looking for.

Contact info:
Phone: 01 30 48 60 00
13 Place de la République


Hazels mission statement: 
Hazel’s mission is to give every men and women the opportunity to look more beautiful and confident.